Thursday, April 5, 2007

Little Miss Sunshine Discussion

These are quotes from our discussion on January 13th:

"Motivation must come from within."

"If I you want to send a message, go to Western Union."

"One message I pulled from it was do what you love."

"This whole concept of being a winner or loser I hate."

"Get to know who you are inside and where you fit in life."

"The dance at the end doesn't seem as inappropriate set against the backdrop of the finding joy and meaning."

"I thought the movie starts with very individually strong characters with their own goals. Through the trip, they get to know each other more and depend on each other. The end dance says we are together and stronger as one."

"I am sick of hearing about the American dream. I think there are other ways to talk about success. And the word Legacy. I don't like that either. And icon.'
'So you have this short little list of words you don't like?'
'Oh I could give you quite a long list.'"

"I think that for the first time in our recent history, Americans are looking at decisions we've made as a country and asking if it's for the best. We are looking at things in different ways. We see a movie with peoples dreams dismantled and we relate it to politics and our own country's dreams."

"Beauty pageants can bring a fake sense of self confidence."

"Beauty contests can objectify women."

"Suffering is when you're really feeling something, when you're really getting in touch with yourself. You shouldn't try not to suffer. It builds your character. Ernest Hemingway once said that 'you can't be a good writer unless you've had an unhappy childhood'. I think you grow when you suffer."

"I kind of, um, this is weird. But I kind of felt like the little girl."

Please feel free to continue this discussion by adding comments.

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